sábado, 19 de janeiro de 2013


Member Organisations, Delegates, Alternate Delegates, Regional and Contributing Members, Executive, PCos

Dear Colleagues,

Your input is greatly needed to assist the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) to better position globally the occupational therapy profession as an essential contributor to mental health services. There is a growing burden of mental illness on health services internationally. With a world community of occupational therapists we can make a difference in many regions under served by health professionals and in communities where mental health services exists but lack positions for occupational therapists.

To do this, the WFOT needs to understand occupational therapy practice internationally across many dimensions (services, tools and professional preparation) and to identify from all of you the range of needs you have in order to offer quality services in a variety of settings.

The results of the survey will inform the WFOT of the current issues facing occupational therapists practicing directly and indirectly in mental health. It will serve to identify the facilitators or barriers to increasing the quality and scope of occupational therapy mental health practice in the service delivery systems, general medical services and primary health care. The results will also shape the development of strategies and resources to support more occupational therapists in contributing to this vital area of our practice base.
We urge WFOT Member Organisations, Regional Groups and Contributing Members to disseminate this message and survey linkhttp://svy.mk/VaBK84 to occupational therapists within their country and networks. We are seeking responses by the 31st January 2013 from occupational therapists in all fields of practice.
I welcome your support,
E Sharon Brintnell

Professor E Sharon Brintnell, Dip P & OT, BOT, MSc FCAOT, CDMP
World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) 
Email: admin@wfot.org.au  <http://freemail.ukr.net/EZgJJujVWC/q/compose.cgi?enc=utf-8%3bcc84%3bmailto=admin%40wfot.org.au> 
Website: www.wfot.org <http://www.wfot.org>   <http://freemail.ukr.net/EZgJJujVWC/q/redirect.cgi?url=http://www.wfot.org/%3bhref=1> 
Note: This e-mail is subject to the conditions in the "Disclaimer" at 
www.wfot.org <http://www.wfot.org> <http://www.wfot.org

A mensagem acima refere-se ao convite a participar da coleta de dados através do preenchimento de um questionário sobre a formação e atuação do terapeuta ocupacional em saúde mental.

Importante: O questionário é em inglês e sem possibilidades de tradução, pois ele é respondido on-line.

Solicitamos que o maior número de terapeutas ocupacionais que trabalharam ou trabalham na Saúde Mental colaborem com a pesquisa da WFOT.
Contribua com a Terapia Ocupacional. 
Fonte: Carlene Borges, terapeuta ocupacional, contato no Brasil. 

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